Excess deaths discussion[1]
Prof. Fenton and Dr. John
There is no evidence that vaccination reduces
There is increased mortality in the younger age group for the vaccinated
The non-covid mortality rate is much lower than covid mortality
Mortality rate is artificially inflated in the
non-vaccinated group and is artificialy reduced in the vaccinated group
The overall mortality is higher in the vaccinated
group and
Overall mortality is lower in the unvaccinated group
The data (about vaccine safety and efficacy) is so
unreliable (and)
There are so many inconsistences on the data that
Any data about vaccine safety and efficacy need to be
retracted (min. 5.40)
(the data) is no reliable to make such claims
(the oficial ONS website - Office for National Statistics[2]) has sloppy mistakes
The ONS underestimates the true population proportion
It makes the overall mortality higher in the
unvaccinated group
It makes the vaccines look safer than they are
And it makes the vaccinated rate mortality lower than
they are in fact
The mainstream media jumped on to this (mistakes) pretty
What they are doing (mainstreams and media) is picking
out this headlines
This artificially created lower rates in the
vaccinated than the unvaccinated
The data for the three first months about vaccinated
has vanished
It’s convenient for them to miss that out because we
know that was a period that was particularly bad at missclasifying recently
deceased vaccinated people a lot of those who died shortly after vaccination
were being classified as vaccinated
It has happened
That period where that was those errors were most
intense has now been removed
So we have got many changes in the data
If you try to compare the data before with the data
that there’s now
Why would there be such an incredibly high mortality
rate for those who are first dose at least 21 days ago, so these people are
people who didn’t get a second dose
Something is not quite rigth with their
classifications (ONS)
(in the second table)
you can see that the raw mortality rate is much higher (six times higher
in vaccinated) in the ever vaccinated than the never vaccinated (min. 17, 40)
We simply want to know the total number of deaths and
the total number of people in each of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated
In different ages categories, the (mortality rate)
unvaccinated migth be higher in that categories, whereas in average categories,
it migth be lower and that’s what we are interested in so
We can conclude that the people over 50, the vaccine
is causing less deaths,
Whereas in the under fifth is this causing more of
I’m getting frustrated by not being given the data we
actually want
(next slide, min. 26.15) the blue line is the
It’s not really very convincing evidence of the
vaccine (…) it’s not being particularly effective
(next slide, min. 26.57)
The plot, the bold lines are the exact plot that was
in the Daily Mail
The all cause mortality rate in the unvaccinated is
much higher than the vaccinated (…) that’s what is showing: it is showing that
the overall, the all cause mortality in the unvaccinated is higher than in the
ever vaccinated, so that value appears to provide strong evidence to support
the vaccine; that particular plot was emphasized by everybody who wanted to
promote this data al ultimate proof that there’s no harm and a lot of Benefit
in the vaccines
(next slide, min. 29:20) this plot is from the
previous report
This simple graph proved sistemyc bias/confounding
through one or more of:
-missclasification of vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated;
-underestimating the population proportion of unvaccinated;
-‘healthy vaccine bias’
You can see the non-covid age standarized mortality
rate is much higher than the unvaccinated
And this is driving the all cause mortality because
the covid numbers are relatively small in comparison with the non-covid rates
This must be a problema with the data because if this
is a non-covid mortality, what the hell has a vaccination got anything to do
with this
You have a massive peak at the beginning of mortality
of non-covid reasons
You see the ever vaccinated, the never vaccinated
non-covid mortality rate is lower than the historical mortality rates
pre-covid, so what this is saying in their data is that the vaccination has
some miracle death preventing Powers for non-covid illness, that’s, stop people
Whereas it’s causing people to die who are
unvaccinated for things other than covid
And because that peak at the beginning is causing them
to die at the very time when the vaccine rolled out
When you roll out the vaccine all the unvaccinated
suddenly drop death
What the plot proves is the sistematic bias of confounding
of one or more of missclasification of vaccinated deaths as unvaccinated,
Underestimating the proportion the population pool
through them vaccinated;
Also there is probably a healthy vaccine bias, wich is
the Young, the healthier people to get vaccinated (…) in that case, if there’s
such a bias you would always in studies like this you would always adjust the
all-cause mortality rates to take account of that bias and they haven’t done that
and all that bias is loaded in to that to those all-cause mortality overall
figures that you saw
The next slide shows they have not fixed this problema
in the latest data
It’s actually got worse
(next slide, min. 32:08)
That is the same data faces a standardized a mortality
rate for the unvaccinated at the top against the ever vaccinated (so) you’ve
got that same massive bias; these lines should be the same (min. 32:29)
The problem has got worse and they have not adjusted
in any way for this massive bias
(next slide; min. 32:44)
Estimate of unvaccinated proportion is 10%. This is
They were estimating that the unvaccinated proportion
overall is 10%, it is much too high
You can prove this data is wrong
On March 2022 they estimated the unvaccinated were
6.19% in the UK on the ages 50-59 years old
If you look at UKHSA in the exact month, you find that
87% of the 50-59 age group were vaccinated in March 2022; that means that 13%
were unvaccinated, no 6.19% (…) over twice as many the ONS is estimating and
this is a massive difference when it comes to calculating because that is
effectively the nominator for these age standardized mortality; that problem has
not been fixed.
The core death counts are still unreliable and
inaccurate: missclasification is still happening: exempli gratia, for example, there were some people
who were vaccinated but not included in the NIMS (National Inmunization
Management System) data as they died soon after vaccination.
The next one has the problem of missclasification
(there’s a chat between the representative of the ONS
and another scientist)
The representative of the ONS (whose name is Sarah
Caul) basically saying she’s not sure, AND SHE IS IN CHARGE OF THIS! (min. 36.16)
The missclasification and the link with the NIMS is a problem
that clearly has not been resolved
Another scientist claims that there is missing data in
table two, in table five, in table four, and various errors more that hasn’t
been resolved
(next slide, min. 39:33) just look the absolute
numbers of deaths by these different age; again you can see the ever
vaccinated: the numbers are much, much higher than the unvaccinated; this is
confounded by the fact that as people in the older age groups are vaccinated,
so if you’re over 90 almost everyone’s vaccinated so obviusly all of the deaths
are going to be in the vaccinated, but if you go on to the next slide, if we
take this example here for clarification these group here would be those that
are unvaccinated and then the lower group would be those that are vaccinated,
the red line are the vaccinated
There are far more deaths amongst the vaccinated than
the unvaccinated
(next slide, min. 40:54)
You can see the absolute number of covid deaths there;
it’s much higher in the vaccinated because obviously still lots more people in
that age group are vaccinated;
The vacunation was going to stop hospitalization and deaths
of covid;
You weren’t go to die from covid if you were
Look at those covid deaths in the vaccinated; this
shouldn’t be if vaccine was working
The top line is the vaccinated;
The bottom line is the unvaccinated
More people is dying in the vaccinated group than the
(next slide, min. 42:49) the number of vaccinated
deaths relative to the vaccination population for that age group and what you
can see is the ever vaccinated population
Basically generally lower than the number of people
dying, so we see elevated mortality rates for the vaccinated since the start of
2022 when covid represents less than 10% of deaths
The vaccinated disproportionately (represents) more of
all the deaths, so this is real evidence that the vaccine is doing more harm,
more risk than the benefits of the vaccine in that age group from 18 to 39
(slide, min. 43:42)
Vaccinated deaths relative to vaccinated population –
ages 18-39: “Consistently, we see elevated mortality rates for the
vaccinated since the start of 2022 when covid represents les than 10% of deaths
but the vaccinated disproportionally more of all deaths” (Joel Smalley).
The deaths are higher in the vaccinated group than the
None of the core limitations and flaw of the previous
report have been resolved.
The higher non-covid mortality rates in the
unvaccinated confirm there are biasis/confounders still not adjusted for.
There is still gross underestimation of the proportion
of unvaccinated in the population. This artificially inflates mortality rates of
unvaccinated and reduces rates of vaccinated.
Use of new census data means the data in previous
reports has changed significantly, but seems no more reliable.
The data for months Jan-March 2021 have been removed. These
were the months that especially exposed missclasification of deaths shortly after
There are numerous errors in the data and key data are
missing or (are) difficult to analyse.
Even with all biasis (EVEN IF YOU USE THEIR DATA) is still
no clear evidence that the vaccine has reduced all-cause mortality; the
evidence actually points to safety risks especially in the younger age groups.
So, you can’t know the very real problem of excess
mortality that’s going on in the country and indeed around the world.
It’s quite depressing
In these data are so many flaws that we can’t waste
time even looking at it.
The problem is that despite what the statistics
regulator said, all the media, the politicians, were using these data and the
headlines figures from it as evidence to prove that the vaccines were safe and
What the mainstream media is doing is just cut and
The conclusions, the summary data from the Office of National
Statistics, but like you and these other world leading experts that we looked
at, who take the core data that we are actually allowed, are coming to very
different conclusions.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=FSL1fRRhJX0&fbclid=IwAR2wzOvg1xYvHsRkjTtaX6mRl9A6hXdc_2bunDXGQesw8MP-YYU5xVhNiUs
[2] A UK government department that collects information about the country’s society and economy.
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