El cigoto, es decir, el ovocito fecundado por un espermatozoide, es ya una persona humana, con un acto de ser, con un cuerpo y con un alma, y por lo tanto, su primer derecho humano es el derecho a vivir

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021

La secta Templo Satánico instruye a sus fieles para que rechacen procedimientos pre-natales que podrían evitar un aborto



TST has released a comprehensive directory that addresses each state’s abortion restrictions regarding the informed consent process for pregnancy termination procedures. Many states have enacted informed consent statutes that interfere with TST's religious beliefs by requiring unnecessary prerequisite procedures and forcing Satanists to accept unscientific, arbitrary language before they are allowed to undergo an abortion. Whereas other research databases provide overviews of these regulations in convoluted grids or brief lists, only TST’s directory contains an exhaustive explanation of abortion statutes that illuminates the subtleties between state laws that other resources consider innocuous.

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