El cigoto, es decir, el ovocito fecundado por un espermatozoide, es ya una persona humana, con un acto de ser, con un cuerpo y con un alma, y por lo tanto, su primer derecho humano es el derecho a vivir

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

Increíbles declaraciones de una abortista: "Estoy orgullosa de hacer abortos, trabajo (descuartizo niños) con una sonrisa"


Abortionist Says She’s “Proud” to 

Do Abortions: “I Work With a 

Smile” as I Kill Babies


Lots of people sing while they work, using music to add a bit of joy to their day.

But when New Yorker Sunoz Soroosh sings at her work, she is getting ready to abort unborn babies.

“Every day, I walk through the doors of the Planned Parenthood health center where I work with a smile, often singing along to a song playing on my headphones. Many find this surprising …” the Planned Parenthood abortionist wrote at Rewire News this week.

“They fail to realize I’m proud to be an abortion provider who puts patients first,” Soroosh wrote.

Except, she doesn’t. Soroosh’s work involves destroying one patient’s life and deceiving the other into thinking that she is better off killing her own child. Yet, Soroosh apparently takes joy in doing it.

“Abortion is health care, and health care is a fundamental human right that needs to be accessible for everyone,” she insisted. “The unfortunate reality is racism, economic inequalities, and hateful biases block people from getting vital health care—including safe, legal abortion care.”

Though Soroosh is not an OB-GYN or even a licensed physician, she can do abortions in New York. In 2019, state lawmakers passed a radical pro-abortion law allowing less trained medical workers to abort unborn babies. The law passed even though one study found that abortions done by non-physicians were twice as likely to have complications as those done by licensed physicians.

Soroosh said she is a registered nurse working toward her master’s degree to become a nurse-midwife and nurse practitioner. She works for Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, which aborts thousands of unborn babies every year.

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“Being an abortion provider is more than a job for me,” she continued. “It’s a deeply personal commitment to helping people prioritize their health care needs and determine the future they want. Providers are here, protecting the lives and health of millions of people and their families—and we will be here for generations to come.”

But abortion is not health care. It kills a unique, living human being and risks the physical and emotional well-being of the mother. Last year, Planned Parenthood alone aborted more than 345,000 unborn babies.

The abortion chain puts women at risk, too. Numerous studies link abortions to increased risks of future preterm births, breast cancer, suicide, anxiety, depression and other problems. Planned Parenthood also fights against informed consent laws and abortion clinic regulations that help ensure women are fully informed and protected from unsafe environments.

There is nothing joyful or hum-a-tune worthy about abortion work. Medical workers’ jobs are to heal, provide aid and comfort to their patients, not kill them. But Soroosh and other abortion activists are not talking about abortion as a tragedy or a difficult decision anymore. They are trying to sell a radical pro-abortion position that claims killing unborn babies in abortions is good, normal and celebratory.


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