El cigoto, es decir, el ovocito fecundado por un espermatozoide, es ya una persona humana, con un acto de ser, con un cuerpo y con un alma, y por lo tanto, su primer derecho humano es el derecho a vivir

sábado, 13 de abril de 2019

Desde que se estrenó la película provida "Unplanned", algunos trabajadores de clínicas abortistas decidieron cambiar de trabajo


Abby Johnson’s powerful conversion story is moving hearts inside the abortion industry.
Chuck Konzelman, who is a co-writer/co-director of “Unplanned,” the new film detailing Johnson’s life, said nearly 100 abortion workers have reached out to them in the past few weeks because they are thinking about quitting, The Western Journal reports.
Johnson quit her job at Planned Parenthood a decade ago after watching an ultrasound-guided abortion and seeing the unborn baby fight for its life. Now, she runs a ministry called And Then There Were None, which provides support for abortion industry workers who want to quit.
Konzelman told a U.S. Senate Judiciary meeting Wednesday that 94 abortion workers have reached out to the ministry since they released the film. Watch his testimony here.
“We have had approaches though Abby Johnson’s organization And Then There Were None — which transitions workers out of the abortion industry — I believe we have something approaching 1 percent of the abortion workers in the United States seeking to leave the industry,” he said.
Later, he added, “The number of actual workers who have reached out is 94.”
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Konzelman said Johnson wanted the film to realistically portray abortion workers, many of whom, as she once did, go into the job truly believing they are helping women.
“Abby was very firm that she wanted this film to be a love letter to those trapped in the abortion industry,” he said.
For more information about the ministry, visit AbortionWorker.com. Since the ministry began, Johnson said they have helped nearly 500 abortion workers quit.
The film opened in theaters nationwide at the end of March. Despite a media blackout, a ‘R’ rating designed to discourage viewers and little coverage outside conservative media circles, “Unplanned” opened in fourth place during its first weekend and it expanded to more movie theaters last weekend.
It earned a surprising $6.1 million on opening weekend, and stayed in the top 10 in its second week at the box office

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